squirting orgasm

How to Enjoy Squirting Orgasm

Squirting orgasm is a sexual experience where a large volume of fluid is expelled from the vagina during orgasm. It can happen during clitoral stimulation, G-spot stimulation or a combination of the two.

Squirting orgasm can be a fun and exciting experience, but it’s also very confusing and uncomfortable for some people. The sensation is different for everyone and squirting orgasm can make you feel embarrassed, ashamed or worried about how it will affect your partner.

The key to squirting orgasm is to relax the pelvic muscles and let go of the urge to urinate. Your body is used to being in control of your bladder. So it’s important to give yourself time to learn how to squirt. And also allow your brain to create a new association with the sensation.

Stimulating your clitoris and G-spot

To start, try stimulating your clitoris and G-spot by using your fingers or a sex toy. This will help you build a lot of arousal. After you’ve done this enough, you can start stroking your clitoris and G-spot with your other hand to increase the amount of stored fluid in your urethral sponge.

Getting started can be tricky, so you might want to use a sex toy that stimulates your entire clitoral structure. This will increase your chance of successfully squirting orgasm.

There are many ways to squirt orgasm, but the most common is by stimulating your clitoris and G-spot. This can be done by yourself or with a partner and it is very important to be comfortable before attempting to squirt.

Squirting orgasm may seem like a lot of work, but once you get the hang of it, it can be very rewarding like resume parser. You’ll probably need to practice this skill for a while before you get the hang of it, so do it by yourself first and try it with a few partners to see how you like it.

A 2017 study found that nearly 69% of women have experienced squirting orgasm at some point in their lives. But even so, there’s not a lot of scientific research on it and most studies that do exist focus on female ejaculation instead.

What scientists think about squirting orgasm

This means that some scientists think that squirting orgasm happens only in rare cases. And others say that it’s common, but it’s not the same as ejaculation (releasing urine) which is typically the most common orgasmic experience.

Some women describe squirting orgasm as a superpower, while others think it’s a waste of time and don’t want to do it. In addition, some people with transgender bodies find squirting orgasm affirming. While some people who aren’t comfortable with their gender don’t.

Why do women squirt?

One theory behind why women squirt is that the Skene’s glands, or the “female prostate”, located around the urethra, secrete an ejaculatory fluid during sexual stimulation. This is similar to how the male prostate secretes a fluid during orgasm.

The only difference is that the fluid that comes out of the woman’s vagina is not urine.

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